Website Manager & Coordinator – and
Regis is a close French friend of mine with whom I had the pleasure of working with in several professional fairs which I did with Zen, parapsy, and some other events between 2009-10. Filming and editing videos of over fifty interviews as a voluntary worker, I found that our collaborations have weaved a real fraternal friendship between us which is still increasing in the course of the years.
Keen on computer science and computer graphics for more than 20 years, Regis joined the Juicy Living Tour at the beginning of 2011 as a manager of & websites. In parallel with daily updates of interviews, he manages the expedition of orders, updating subscribers, publishing newsletters, and coordinating volunteers for the subtitles.
Working as a Scientist Engineer and spending 8 years in a diesel-powered consulting firm, Regis chose to abandon the labor world to follow the call of his soul. In fact, at the time of a care of magnetism, it was crossed by an energy of extraordinary, indescribable Love by words, that released an awakening of consciousness and a continuous spiritual quest to this day.
Later he was guided by his small voice of the heart, and has shared his humble understanding of “Who We Are in Reality” by co-creating 4 videos, which converted to a DVD called ” I love us.” Married to his soul-mate, Cathy, they are the lucky parents of 3 marvelous sons whom they educate with unconditional love, and awareness to be all brothers and sisters of the Universe.