Animals & Humans Soul contracts – Danielle MacKinnon, Boston MA

Soul Contract Intuitive, Animal Intuitive and Intuitive Coach, Danielle MacKinnon was recently named one of Bob Olson’s “Top 10 Best Psychic Mediums.” Using Soul Contracts as a foundation, she offers a fresh perspective on working deeply with pets, relationships, developing intuition, and spiritual growth.
Intensely connected to the animal kingdom, Danielle communicates with pets and their humans effortlessly. She uses her skills to help animals and their people better understand one another while working toward a common goal: happiness. Her particular gift is in revealing the Soul Contract between pet and human which, once determined, can open the door to a more fulfilling, more balanced and happier relationship.
Armed with the belief that grounding and clarity lead the way to soul-level peace, Danielle facilitates and inspires evolution within each of her clients. Her unique method enlightens, enlivens and excites her clients as they use her insight to make lasting, positive change in their lives. Danielle’s Soul Contract readings have assisted many in understanding the “why” behind their troubled relationships — and when armed with the “why” the “how” becomes illuminated as well.

Lilou Mace Web TV has swept You Tube viewers with ongoing Reality Web TV for 6 years. During this time, nearly 1500 videos and over 8 Million people’s hearts and minds have been touched and made to realize their potential and that dreams can come true. This has been freely gifted to everyone with passion and love. As the Juicy Living Tour embarks upon a new chapter in reality web TV, it is necessary to ask viewers how they can be part of the ‘bigger’ team and partner with Lilou to carry out the Juicy Living Tour. Support Lilou’s Juicy Living Tour by donating today!



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"I journeyed from my African home with you Lilou Mace, I opened my eyes, and my heart, along the way I learnt from the people who opened their hearts to you, and became a privileged member of a select group of “Lilou lovers”. I am forever grateful for taking me on this heart journey, my spirit has changed. I’m a better person because of you!"
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