Lilou’s EMDR & IADC Session with Dr Al Botkin, Chicago

Psychotherapists today are consistently helping grieving people experience a reconnection with someone who has passed away, resulting in healing deep sadness associated with grief. The method of inducing this experience, called “induced after-death communication” or IADC®, was discovered in 1995 by Allan L. Botkin, Psy.D.

Consistent, robust clinical observations by a growing number of IADC® trained therapists across a broad variety of clients indicate that IADC® heals the deep sadness that is associated with death of a friend or loved one, and the results appear to hold up very well over time. Most people believe their experiential reconnection is real, but they do not have to believe in the authenticity of the experience to benefit from its profound healing effects.

The method uses EMDR, but in a quite different way from standard EMDR. The research that supports EMDR does not necessarily support the way it is used in these treatments. Psychotherapists today are consistently helping grieving people experience a reconnection with someone who has passed away, resulting in healing deep sadness associated with grief. The method of inducing this experience, called “induced after-death communication” or IADC®, was discovered in 1995 by Allan L. Botkin, Psy.D.



  1. art ritter says:

    hey doc…you look great…things are going here…be well…ritter

  2. Alexander Hansen says:

    Thank you for posting this video! It gives this therapy some much deserved publicity.

  3. Owen Marcus says:

    Great video – thanks for volunteering to demo the technique. It’s amazing how some of the simplest therapies are the most powerful.

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