Chemtrails – What in the world are they spraying? – Michael Murphy

From website: breathtaking documentary exposé that uncovers the clandestine global geo-engineering operations underway for years. Under the guise of the “global warming” fear campaign, governments and other corporations have been adding millions of tons of aluminum, barium, strontium, polymers, and other substances to the atmosphere around the world. This has been done without the knowledge or consent of the population!!! What are the effects? How does the ongoing dumping of chemicals into our skies affect the air we breathe, the sunlight we receive, our water and our soil?



  1. Kurt Kaalaas says:

    Lilo, love your stuff! but as a 25yr veteran Commercial Airline Pilot i just had to make a comment about this video. Within the first few minutes it is apparent that this guy doesnt know much about contrails and the “idea” that there are even so called chemtrails is fear based. You have so many good speakers but what is pervading the world now is fear and with that fear comes beliefs that everyone is out to harm us or “get” or control us and this video is just another example of that. Yes some groups have thought of cloud seeding to help stem the Global warming and to help it rain in arid places but that is what the people have been asking the government to do! To come up with something to offset what is happening. Watch the NOVA documentary called “Magnetic Storm” and get some incite on what is driving our weather and that is the sun activity since the sun controls the magnetic field of the earth which effects the weather. Humans are so arrogant to think that we are the “cause” of everything. Sorry for the rambling and keep up the good work!

  2. Aloha to “ALL” who are concerned about this very important issue. Please support Michael Murphy by buying the DVD ” What in the World are they Spraying ? ” Please buy a T-Shirt too ! All money goes to support Michael’s efforts to inform the public . Mahalo nui loa Michael for coming to Kauai ! You are AWESOME !

  3. Matthew says:

    Thanks for this interview Lilou, and a round of applause to Michael Murphy for being a truth seeker and a truth speaker – eco-warriors of the world unite! I will get hold of a copy of the film on DVD and distribute freely, people need to know what’s been going on behind closed doors and the children of the Earth need to take a stand.

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