Bruce Lipton, Ph.D – Controlling your consciousness to create your reality

Dr Bruce Lipton interview by Lilou Mace recorded under the rain and sun in Honolulu Hawaii at the Quantum Medicine Congress on October 10th 2011.

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  1. cida says:

    You are something love you, love you, love you, yr interview Lilou’s I being watch all of them I hv just found out about you on the youtube with Neale Conversations with God. And you rock girl. Besides being a beuatiful person physical you are something else, the juicy that you sent to us from the bottom of yr heart and soul.
    God always bless you
    born in Brazil but live in New York city
    You should make some interview in Brazil we have lot people that can give us some juicy also

  2. Veronica says:

    This video is prohibited here in Germany by the GEMA because of the music it contains: if your interview does contains music, please do not include any music in your interviews so we here in Germany can also pass all the valuable information you publish within your interviews. Thank you for your work

  3. Thanks you so much Lilou and Bruce!…I have been listening to Dr Bruce Lipton for several years and loving the merging of science and spirituality…beautiful interview that speaks to my heart and affirms my path ♥

  4. Joe Noonan says:

    Hello Lilou!

    Thanks for the great interview; it was inspiring to watch! Humanity is awakening and its a joy to hear you and Bruce talking about the part we each play. Here’s to our collective Awakening!


  5. Elouise says:

    Hi Lilou, thank you a million for doing a tour such as this. I live at a spiritual community that lives by the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. He wrote the famous Autobiography of a Yogi. There are many similarities in what Bruce is saying here to the yogic way of living for example, we meditate to raise our consciousness. It’s all about conscious living here, raising our vibration and therefore our thoughts and actions. We are in Italy, if you come to Italy you would be my guest. The website is

    My question for you on Bruce is, Bruce talks about all the people watching this video can make a shift to change our collective consciousness. Yes, we can change it and create the new world. I’m guessing, like me, many people are saying “OK, I’ll create a new world, I’m in” and how is Bruce saying to do this?

    I work with all kinds of self-development day after day and I notice the difference. Yogananda has tools and techniques to shift specific issues in our lives that are due to thoughts. Byron Katie has The Work, to shift thoughts. I would love to hear from others, I want to see and hear more on this while Bruce is on a roll here. He looks on fire with this topic, I want to hear what tools and technnqiues Bruce had tried. There has to be a course in there from him or something. Would he be up for that?

    Grazie Mille Cara Lilou!
    Much love, Elouise

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"I journeyed from my African home with you Lilou Mace, I opened my eyes, and my heart, along the way I learnt from the people who opened their hearts to you, and became a privileged member of a select group of “Lilou lovers”. I am forever grateful for taking me on this heart journey, my spirit has changed. I’m a better person because of you!"
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