Light, Lightworkers and new earth – Mirabai Devi, Kauai Hawaii

If you would like to know more about Mirabai Devi and her teachings, please visit her web site at Mirabai Devi’s mission is dedicated to raising the consciousness of humanity, and to help aid humanity and Mother Earth through their healing and ascension process. People all over the world have experienced spontaneous healing and transformation from the Divine Light that is transmitted through Mirabai.

If you want to directly experience transmission of the Divine Light through Mirabai Devi in a private session focused on your healing, awakening, or spiritual activation, please call the Mirabai Devi Foundation office at 760-216-1029 (Pacific Time Zone), or email to schedule a session for you or your loved ones.

For those who want to know more about Mirabai Devi’s Lightworker Training, please go to There is a wealth of information about the training, as well as information on how to apply to join the growing worldwide community of Lightworkers.

Mirabai Devi’s Lightworker Training is an advanced spiritual program designed to empower those who feel called to be of service in the world. This training activates the participant’s inner light, removes blockages, and cleanses karma so they can become a stable, loving conduit for the Divine Light.

Being a Lightworker means first learning how to raise your own vibrational frequency, then raise the frequency of the whole collective consciousness of humanity, and then help heal Mother Earth. The Lightworkers are Midwives to help Mother Earth through her Ascension. They hold that frequency of the Divine Light in their community, and ground this Light into the Earth.

The next International Lightworker Retreat on the mystical island of Kauai will be held in July of 2012. It is an intensive, magical and profoundly transformational one-week retreat for those active in Mirabai Devi’s Lightworker Training. The first International Lightworker Retreat on Kauai concluded in late October of 2011, and every participant experienced great healing and opening in their lives. Information about the details of the July 2012 retreat will be posted as they are finalized.

Please visit our website at for free downloads of Healing Mantras and Howard Wills’ Forgiveness Prayers. They are available under her Teachings menu. Other healing tools, such as Mirabai’s guided meditation CDs, will help to maintain good spiritual practices. These can be ordered off the website.

Thank you for your interest in Mirabai Devi and her mission.
Blessings to you all, in Divine Light.



  1. Yvette says:

    Thank you, Mirabai and Lilou, I just a had an epiphany. I need to involve myself in the things that fill me so I can give to the world in the way that I want to. love love ~~

  2. Cocreative says:

    Wonderful. Thank you, Mirabai and Lilou! Very inspiring!

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