It is heart time! – Pascal K’in Greub, Mexico

Filmed at El Santuario, Valle de Bravo. Mexico.
The time of pure logic thinking is over. Latest science and Ancient Cultures speak of a Heart Brain. Living out of your Heart Intelligence is becoming more and more important, in private as well as in social and professional aspects. It’s where the trails of solution begin which will lead us out of the apparent world crisis.

If you live from the heart, you have access to hitherto inaccessible sources in order to master your life and all the circumstances. In the timeless wisdom of the Mayas in Mexico, “Heart-Consciousness” is the highest level, where people can experience and live deep inner peace, fulfillment, and the power of creation. In daily life, this brings abundance, it makes you know your task and it takes you closer to your goals.



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"I journeyed from my African home with you Lilou Mace, I opened my eyes, and my heart, along the way I learnt from the people who opened their hearts to you, and became a privileged member of a select group of “Lilou lovers”. I am forever grateful for taking me on this heart journey, my spirit has changed. I’m a better person because of you!"
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