More on El Santuario, Mexico
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More on El Santuario, Mexico
Thank you for your support and donations for the tour to run! and then click on donate now.
Absolutely heart rendering. thanks you both!
I learned of you and your website from a friend’s facebook posting. I randomly (seemingly) chose to view this interview…wow, remarkable personal synchronicity! Thank you, Lilou, and all best to you!
Thank you, Lilou for such wonderful co-creatures you show to us!!! Thank you, Michel!! Hope to meet the spirit of the mountain that you take care one day…
Muitos beijinhos
I saw many beautiful interviews on this site and each time I thank Lilou for great effort. But this one brought tears down my cheek….. Beautiful sharing Michel and the spirit!!! With love, Life
Oh lala Liloo…
Il l’a lu la luna Liloo
L’halali l’hurle la luna
Il a lu la lune luna Lila
Il alie la lune luna Lali
Lala Luna Lali
Lala Luna Lali Lalala
Il alie
Il a Mi Do Ré Fa
Il a a su adorer ça
Cuidado hombre, es peligroso
Una noche en la calle Elvira
Quedamos después la noche
Y la noche después
Il a lu la lune Liloo
Il la hurle l’hallali à la lune
mi . fa# . sol . la : (texte collectif 2005/2011)
Wow, Michel Domit has so much wonderful knowledge to share a long interview but every minute was important. Another amazing interview Lilou, your videos are my favorite! If I win powerball ill increase my monthly donation to the Juicy Living Tour of $5 a month to 5^6th power!