Drunvalo Melchizedek: Crop circles, Russians, coming solar flares…use your discernment !!




  1. Padja says:

    Lovely interview, LOVE Lilou.
    I believe we have to/will shift consciousness.
    But what I don’t understand is how can you believe and act in oneness and speak of woman who will be the dominant power? That is duality.. can somebody explain that.?

    Second thing i really don’t understand is; If you really believe in the 4D shift on 21 dec. WHY would you start a healing center with some heart doctor? It opens in june he says and can heal all traumas..WHY does he think we need that ?because even if you’re in a wheelchair you can grow your own arms and legs after the 4D shift. (is what he also said).
    So is that (“very expensive” as he said) healing center needed for the few final months? or after the 4D shift. ?

  2. Liesbeth van Deemter says:

    I too must say that I really dowbt this story. This woman Maria or Marina Popovisch does not excist. See here an overview of alle the Russian cosmonouts: http://www.spacefacts.de/english/bio_cosm.htm
    The only Popovisch orsomething like that name, is a man.
    Someone that was on the moon, should be in that list.

  3. Stéphanie says:

    Thank you for this interview both of you ! I really share the vision and I appreciate very much the image of the energy of the mother giving birth to symbolise the present evolution of conscious !
    I need to talk with Drunvalo, a big question is in my mind since a long time now…Il will do so after listening his words…
    I am working on family spirit and I invite parents to cross the 3 D in order to join the 4 D conscious state, if you are interested Lilou, I have the book in French.
    Thank you for your work ! Very usefull !
    Stéphanie – Fréjus – France

  4. Barry says:

    sorry drunvalo, but everything you say… says “NOTHING” you allude to some change on a conscious dimension, but you never say anything that can be considered direction or teaching the actual nuts and bolts of what you are talking about. smoke and mirrors comes to mind while I watch you try to swoon this blonde woman with promises of “women” being the hope of the future to show us the way to this different consciousness, that apparently we’ve all experienced “before” ? but women do it so much easier than men. what a crock of deception and empty marry-go-round statements. light and dark and blah blah blah, how disappointed I am, because my mom sent me this link, she is like you decieved, deluded, and searching. always searching for some other consciousness, some new inner self that’s evolving endlessly till it becomes what?
    sun flares ufo’s and aliens, scifi rubbish. i’ve seen this same kind of vomit spewed out over and over for the short 50 years I have been alive.
    my remarks are made in complete opposition to the spirit that promotes these lies, not you personally. I feel sorry for everyone I have ever met that is like you.

    obey the scripture in Acts 2:38 if you want the REAL consciousness that is from the ALMIGHTY GOD JESUS CHRIST.

    • Barry… I was brought up with Christianity, then became a Sufi (Islam)… then gave that up. Being brave enough to keep questioning, especially having been indoctrinated by fear based religions. It makes no sense to me that there are limitations on creation or God if you prefer to call it that. So I ask you to look outside of the box and don’t worry about heaven and hell and doing the right thing. Just be true to yourself. Then you’ll be able to accept that everyone is correct according to their stage in evolution.
      Personally I’m trying not to get too excited about this period of ascension because I used to get too excited about Christianity and then Islam and I ended up with IDIOT written across my forehead… But I’m quietly observing and seeing that time and technology is changing. I’d say there is a much higher likely hood of these enormous changes occurring than there is that Christianity or any other religion holds the keys to heaven – especially since they were created as control mechanisms for the masses.
      Time to wake up. Great interview Lilou and Drunvalo…. Keep them coming. We’re all learning. I love your energy. Just wanna know how to transcend this negative shit on this planet.

  5. cwalker says:

    Great interview, Thank You! Never long enough…Can’t wait to find out more! Be well. CW

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