Going beyond fears & following the Guidance to live life purpose – Lynda Mangoro, UK

Lynda is an author, artist and mentor whose guiding intention through everything she creates is to inspire others to connect to their authentic selves and awaken to their true nature, so they too live deeply enriched, fulfilled and purposeful lives. Lynda’s creative gifts were evident from her early childhood, when even her teachers paid testament to her outstanding skills in both art and writing. She has always had an inquisitive nature and an intuitive sense that there is deeper meaning to life on Earth; through her own life journey she has come to understand that her creative gifts and her imagination are a gateway to a much larger part of herself; her true authentic self, the source from which we all come.

In 2011 Lynda’s first novel, Awakening of the Dream Riders and first children’s story Where’s the Magic Wand?, were published by Juicy Living Publishing. Lynda believes that by empowering children at a young age we are giving them the greatest gift of all; the knowledge that they matter, and that their is a purpose and deeper meaning for their lives! There are more books in both series’ currently in progress. Through her stories, Lynda aims to share knowledge that will encourage readers to open their minds and hearts to ideas and wisdom they may not have previously considered or encountered.

Lynda recently launched her Awakening Writers workshops as another means of inspiring young people. She offers this one day workshop (in schools or other groups of young people) during which she shares her experience and techniques as an author with the intention of inspiring and encouraging young people to adopt creative writing as a means of healthy self expression. While some technical information is integrated into the day, the main focus is on imagination and creativity.

At college Lynda studied art and design and she is a Multimedia IT graduate with experience working as a web developer for a top London company. With her unique blend of IT skills and conventional artistry, Lynda quickly became an IT and Creative Support and Design Expert in web and graphic mediums for many well recognised successful pioneers of the conscious living arena such as Jolene Setterfield, Lilou Mace, Dyan Garris, Freeman Michaels, Barnet Bain, and many more.

As well as writing her own books, Lynda also illustrates children’s books and paints portraits, landscapes, and other commissioned artwork. Her Soul Portraits are highly sought after and she is in demand globally as a unique and extremely talented intuitive artist. Lynda has natural gift for connecting to the core essence of people and animals, the soul, immersing herself in the beauty and capturing that magical energy on canvas.

Lynda lives in West Sussex with her husband Michael and their three sons. Their household is chaotic but full of laughter and she is thankful for this blessing every day. http://www.mangoro.co.uk

Awakening of the Dream Riders http://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Dream-Riders-Louise-Mangoro/dp/0956254624/ref…

Where’s the Magic Wand? http://www.amazon.com/Wheres-Magic-Lynda-Louise-Mangoro/dp/0956254616/ref=sr_…

Lynda Mangoro is a published author at Juicy Living Publishing http://www.JuicyLivingPublishing.com


1 Comment

  1. Robyn says:

    Thanks for the review! I enjoy reading books like this one. I am reading a book called, “Being You: How To Live Authentically” by Gerard M. Doyle. This is a non-fiction self help book to show readers how to be confident and live life without fear or anxiety. http://www.andrewrafkin.com/

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