Out of Body Experiences OBE : How? Why? When? — Graham Nicholls, Glastonbury

Graham Nicholls is an English author, artist and expert on out-of-body experiences (OBEs). His exploration of these areas began when as a twelve year old boy he had a series of fleeting experiences of floating a few feet above the ground. Around a year later he heard the term ‘out-of-body experience’ for the first time. This led him to buy a scientific book on the subject and six months later intentionally leave his body for the first time.

Shortly after, as a part of his growing interest in spirituality, he became vegetarian, having already committed himself to abstain from tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs at the age of just ten years old. A few years later he traveled to India for the first time and explored the practice of yoga and came into contact with Jainism, which with its focus on non-violence left a lasting impression on him.

Out of a desire to express his ideas Graham decided that art may be an avenue that would accommodate him; he decided to apply to art school and despite having no formal qualifications was accepted to Central St. Martins College in London, becoming the first in his family to go to university. While still studying he gave his first public lecture on a metaphysical topic at Oxford Town Hall, aged just twenty-two. The following year he was given his first solo art exhibition, which took place in Soho, New York City, USA.

Graham’s artistic projects are actually multi-sensory environments that use audio recordings to take the participants on inner meditative journeys. Immersing them in a powerful and unique experience. Many participants have described being deeply moved by these hypnotic experiences. In May, 2004 he created a new kind of immersive environment using Virtual Reality computer technology called The Living Image, which was displayed at London’s Science Museum. The project was designed to take the viewer into a psychological state akin to meditation or trance. The Living Image as well as much of his work has received praise in the press, including the BBC and the Telegraph as well as other magazines and websites.

Due to his growing awareness of science and technology he also began working with areas that examine psychical experience in an objective and rational way. This led him to become a member of the Society for Psychical Research and to correspond with Dean Radin, Tom Campbell, Dr. Peter Fenwick, Dr. Jeffery Long and others. He has also organised and conducted a series of telepathy experiments with author and biologist Rupert Sheldrake.

In 2010 Graham Nicholls completed work on his first book, Avenues of the Human Spirit, a compelling true account of his hundreds of out-of-body experiences and the spiritual insights they have revealed. Within a month of signing a publishing deal on this first book he was commissioned by Llewellyn to write his second book, Navigating the Out-of-Body Experience: Radical New Techniques, due for publication in April 2012.


1 Comment

  1. I love the Juicy Living Tour interviews with my favorite interviewer in the world – Lilou! I have had a few Lucid Dreams and one OOBE. I want to learn how have them when I feel it would help me do it. Thanks for this enlightening information and interview with Graham.

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