Our finger prints: road map for life – Nana Rebecka, Denmark

NanaRebecka Mentor — Hand Analysist, Spiritual Mentor and PhD
Website: http://nanarebecka.com/en/
Mail: info@nanarebecka.com

Short Bio (from website):
Nana Rebecka have explored Body Self Development System, The Grindberg Method, The Hawaiian healing technique Ho’oponopono, Franklin Covey Leader programme and clairvoyant training circles. She is educated as Spiritual Mentor by Christine Eilvig. And is trained in fingerprint analysis by Ronelle Coburn in Portland, Oregon, USA, and continue being educated by her. On the traditional CV Nana Rebecka can write BA in Communication, Master in Multimedia, and a PhD from Aarhus University, where she focused on education and learning scenarios involving digital technology. Her studies have enriched her with knowledge about learning theory, anthropology and relational theory (Latour, Deleuze, Despret and others in this theoretical school). She have worked for 1 ½ year as a PostDoc at University of Roskilde, studying the use of technology involved in visits at museums and science parks, and since January 2011 Nana Rebecka have been the head of a cross institutional research and development center, where universities and university colleges are the founding partners.

Privately Nana Rebecka is married to (with her own words) the world’s most gorgeous Swedish man, with whom she has three wonderful children.



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