The seven Eternities on our body – Jennyli Gustafsson, Sweden

The Book of Eternities
Jennyli Gustafsson

Jennyli Gustafsson is a musician and a writer. She has always had an inner conviction about life, that there is something more to it, than we can see with our physical eyes. As an adult, the spiritual questions got more intense and the searching led her to the Inca Indians old wisdom of how to interact with the energies of mother earth and father heaven. Those techniques helped her to find a way in life, of more inner harmony. But still there was something missing before her life mission could emerge.

The turning point came when her stepmother passed away in October 2006. She came through from the other side to open up the channels to the eternities within. At that moment Jennyli was prepared, for some reason, with a paper and a pen. The text was flowing on the paper and talked about a belief in an eternal life. After a while, her stepmother left over for a higher consciousness. Due to Jennyli her self, this consciousness was God!

The God-consciousness told her that she would write a trilogy with the name The Book of Eternities. This book, containing the voice of God, the voice of Christ and the voice of Mother Earth, would give the man a new perspective on the Genesis. This story of creation is still in process and is progressing through the holy trinity, mentioned above. The Book of Eternities is the spiritual body of man, a story of creation that awakens the man to a higher level of consciousness.

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1 Comment

  1. Scott says:

    These interviews are continually evolving into more critical significance. As this all unfolds and we all open up and become more attuned, the effect becomes more on point amd full of more ‘juice’.

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