Norway Doomsday seed Vault: ultimate safety net for the world’s seed collections! What’s going on?

Svalbard Global Seed Vault : Dubbed the “Doomsday Vault,” the seed bank on a remote island near the Arctic Ocean is considered the ultimate safety net for the world’s seed collections, protecting them from a wide range of threats including war, natural disasters, lack of funding or simply poor agricultural management. The vault’s location deep inside a mountain in the frozen north ensures the seeds can be stored safely no matter what happens outside.

More information on the Svalbard Global Seed Vault

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  1. AnneHallam says:

    The seed bank is such a brilliant idea – THANK YOU to the Norwegian Government and to the volunteers & the locals who manage the centre. Q.1: ‘Is the entrance high enough above sea level – in case ocean does rise?’ I’m glad to learn also that GMO’s will not be included.

    • Troy Glover says:

      Hey Anne, the entrance is quite elevated actually near the top of the mountain and the shaft runs down from there approximately 2 km into the mountain and about 600 metres deep. You can see a photograph of the entrance on my blog at It is quite a scenic site actually.

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