Changing your standards in life and live the life of your dreams! Derek Mills, UK

His first book, The 10 Second Philosophy®, published by the world’s leading publisher in this field, Hay House, is due for release September 2012 and is available to order now. He’s also currently working on developing a comprehensive training program associated with this for launching in 2013. –

To watch more of my video interviews, visit

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  1. Hi Lilou, I’ve been following your interviews for a few months now and I’d like to thank you for all the strength you give us…I was particularly amazed by this video with Gary Quinn because it’s the perfect answer to my lonely and long lasting question of the last few weeks…To make the story short, I am a painter and I’m trying to make a living out of my passion, (since a year and a half), even if I don’t really know how…My husband is very pessimistic about this situation but I’m hanging on to my dream as a “delicious co creator”! So, today this video came to me :-) : when Gary talked about the painter,asking “do you have 20 paintings…etc” I just nearly jumped saying “Yes! they’re waiting for some one to buy them !”…and Everything just lighted around me : this is the real me ! This is what I DO !
    And the other part of the video about Angel Mickaël simply confirmed the whole thing,because I am among his biggest fans :-)
    I leave in Reunion Island, so quite far away from you, but the universe unites isn’t it? I ‘m very happy to be able to leave this message in English, ’cause it’s also 1 of my challenges to practice that language that I adore ! So, as we say in French (I’ll let you translate ah ah ah ) “Une pierre deux coups”…Lot’s of love ! Isabelle

  2. MonaH says:

    Thank you so much for this video! My soul is happy for hearing these words and I really agree with all. Yes, internet is amazing and I´m so thankful for this. Wonderful Derek, thank you. And thanks for everyone who makes this website. Cheers from Czech republic :)

  3. Sophie says:

    Thank you for this TRUE story
    by watching, I could relate to what you expressed

  4. Sonja Sofia Rupnik says:

    it sounds like the aha! moment .. i agree we should have
    daily gratitude towards self & continue to visualise the bigger
    picture for the future…. merci.. thank u Lilou & team xxx
    hope to meet Lilou in person one day … I admire your energies

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"Lilou Mace has been such a great inspiration in my life and continues to be so daily. I see her really living the dream, manifesting the life she desires and that, to me, is the greatest inspiration of all and encourages me to follow my dreams."
- Jean Dayton Artist

"I journeyed from my African home with you Lilou Mace, I opened my eyes, and my heart, along the way I learnt from the people who opened their hearts to you, and became a privileged member of a select group of “Lilou lovers”. I am forever grateful for taking me on this heart journey, my spirit has changed. I’m a better person because of you!"
- Wendy Spivey