“Hado creates words Words are the vibrations of nature Therefore beautiful words create beautiful nature Ugly words create ugly nature . This is the root of the universe.” – by Masaru Emoto
The Japanese researcher in question is Dr. Masaru Emoto, chief of the Hado institute in Tokyo. He is the author of many books concerning the phenomenon of ‘ Hado’. The two ideograms comprising this expression Hado (pronounced hadou to rhyme with shadow) literally mean “wave” and “move”. This following definition is how Dr. Emoto himself describes the phenomenon, which led him to a series of remarkable discoveries pertaining to the nature of water. Hado: The intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter. The smallest unit of energy. Its basis is the energy of human consciousness.
A rapid understanding of Hado quickly spread throughout Japan as Dr. Emoto’s theory gained ground. The word subsequently became part of daily language. “The Hado of this place is really low. Let’s leave.” “That person has a really powerful Hado.” “Let’s change the Hado of this environment.” Conversational pieces such as this now abound in Japan and it is largely due to his revolutionary photographs of water crystals under high magnification. Frozen crystals of water? Yes, like this.. – source
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