“Success is a personal thing. You have either accomplished it in your life or you have not. Sometimes the definition will change. Just because I may command a thousand dollars for one hour of my private time does not necessarily mean I am successful in every facet of my life.
Our culture is redefining success. We are beginning to witness the poison in the way of mass consumerism, war to steal other peoples’ resources and ruin their lives, and following the dictates of political pawns. More and more of us are questioning the tune modern civilization is playing in. A tremendous cacophony of noise and stench of human pollution is ruining life on earth. More and more of us are claiming land and growing gardens”. – source http://nickgoodpersonaldevelopment.com/
To watch more of my video interviews, visit http://www.JuicyLivingTour.com
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Thank you very much, Nick, for so eloquently explaining what is important for us to know regarding evolving our lives. Your knowledge and inspiration is much appreciated! I will definitely watch this interview again; and, look forward to Lilou doing a follow-up interview!
wow, very impressing and inspiring interview – i am grateful for having come across it – it will take me watching it several times until i will be able to fully comprehend what Nick it bringing across due to the slight language barrier there is (i am german) but i can already feel that he triggered something inside of me – merci beaucoup Nick & Lilou
First time ive seen or heard of this guy, but im very interested with his theorys. Will look forwards to reading/watching more….
So JuIcY
I have watched this one a few times. Just love it! Thank you Lilou and Nick.
Very, very beautiful and “empowering” and loving and grounding and centering interview! Thank you!