Walking the talk – Mikki Willis, Californian filmmaker ELEVATE

Published on Jan 21, 2013

As the founder and CEO of Elevate, Mikki Willis has produced over 200 independent productions, ranging from network television shows and theatrical features, to music videos and viral media. Elevate’s initiatives include PlayItFWD, a revolutionary viral distribution platform for transformational movies and media; Elevate Films, a full-service films and viral media production company; Elevate Film Festival, the world’s first international socially conscious filmmaking challenge; theXperience, a new genre of live entertainment designed to elevate consciousness; and Elevate Presents, a live event production/innovation initiative.

9-11, 2001 marked a turning point in Mikki’s life and career. After witnessing the collapse of the twin towers from a neighboring high-rise, he helped to lead a group of civilians who remained in the danger zone for 3 consecutive days in search of survivors. It was atop the rubble of the World Trade Center where his life’s mission was defined. Since then, Mikki has led missions to bring clean water to third-world countries, build homes for the homeless, create schools in Africa, deliver musical equipment to children in war torn territories, support eco-green initiatives, and mentor young filmmakers.

Mikki Willis is the recipient of the 2008 Conscious Life Humanitarian Award. In June of 2011 he was featured on the cover of Ventana Magazine, noted among 5 “progressive thinkers on the leading edge.” He is an active member of the Transformational Leadership Council.

Contact: Mikki (dot) Willis (at) ELEVATE (dot) Us



  1. JOHN OF ENGLAND says:

    great work,fantastic,work thats joyfull and fun doesnot feelike work,,,you are both on the button,both hitting the mark,both building a great future in the present,,,i am very happy to see and hear your truth shining forth,,,i shall continue to shine also,,,respect John

  2. Frances says:

    Lilou, it’s not easy leaving a comment because your interviews tend to touch upon many “delicious” points. This particular interview with Mikki Willis leaves the viewer knowing that many people are out there willing and able to make a huge difference in the world, and the way they’re thinking and what they’re doing deserves a standing ovation.

    The one question a lot of us often ask ourselves is: How can I help? By listening closely to this interview, we just might hear an answer to that question.

    Once again, thank you Lilou. And thank you Mikki Willis

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