Emoto on the new water era (recorded Nov 2012)



  1. Marcel Barros says:

    Hi! Since i heard about the ability of water memory and influence, i started a kind of “ritual” every day in the shower. I say during the shower following: let the power of water heal and protect me. By doing this, i’m asking some energy from nit and in the same time empowering it.
    I love to her Dr Emoto saying: Water is like a God.
    In love to this planet Marcel

  2. Frances says:

    The conversation with Dr. Emoto and Lilou is an eye-opener for me. I want to do my part to raise the mass consciousness of the planet and so will begin doing the simple practice suggested by him – apologize to the water, thank the water, and say I love you. And repeat that practice in front of the mirror for the reason Lilou gave, and also do Linda LoCastro’s practice as mentioned in her comment. It’s so simple, let’s all tell Planet Earth we’re sorry and we’re going to change things.

  3. Linda LoCastro says:

    I have followed Dr. Emoto’s work for a while; and, I believe if a majority of us would speak to ourselves and the water that is around us, we could create good changes in the world. We have a river in my town and I go to it periodically and speak positive thoughts and ask it to carry those thoughts with it to the towns along its way. When I’m on the east coast, I do the same with the Atlantic Ocean. Wherever I travel and there is water, I do this. Anyone so inclined, please join in doing so. Thanks!

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