Letting go of challenges to live fully now – Vblog from Japan



  1. Linda LoCastro says:

    Thank you, Lilou, for your courage and honesty, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and share with the world your personal journey. I know of what you speak regarding transmuting the past. I have done just that by taking responsibility for the decisions I have made, forgiving myself and others involved, uncovering the lesson(s) I needed to learn from that experience(s); then, moving into the present moment and living in the NOW, making the most of it ,,, making it better than the past with Love & Gratitude! Many Blessings on your continued journey!

  2. Florence says:

    Hi Lilou,
    Thank you so much again for your very inspiring video, so simple et so inspiring living thoughts! I’m devorating right now your second book and I love it! You are a great source of inspiration to me right now in my life, on the way to opening my heart to Love, Abundance, Freedom. Thank you so much, I can say I Love you :-) I radiate for you wishes for happiness and greatnesss.
    Bye Lilou
    Florence from Belgium

  3. Sara says:

    Thank you, Lilou, for your honest and generous sharing! We are all on our own paths, but it is so helpful to hear about others journeys and take heart from their courageousness.

    I am in a wonderful process of attracting and creating my own ‘juicy life’ – from a life where I was working, unfilled in the non-profit agency world – to a life where I will be HOME with my amazing children and spouse – Enjoying our gardens and chickens and woods and beautiful environment…while also continuing my personal path of working as a life coach and counselor.

    I have so much enjoyed watching your YouTube sessions with Michael Losier during this time as well as watching videos from your tour.

    Thank you for bringing so many amazing stories to the surface for all to enjoy! Looking forward to watching and learning more!

    Lots of love,

    Sara in Maine

  4. Lizanne says:

    Your words are true and touching,an inspiration to grow, We can allow our vulnerability and with wisdom and courage life can be understood and embraced

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"Lilou Mace has been such a great inspiration in my life and continues to be so daily. I see her really living the dream, manifesting the life she desires and that, to me, is the greatest inspiration of all and encourages me to follow my dreams."
- Jean Dayton Artist

"I journeyed from my African home with you Lilou Mace, I opened my eyes, and my heart, along the way I learnt from the people who opened their hearts to you, and became a privileged member of a select group of “Lilou lovers”. I am forever grateful for taking me on this heart journey, my spirit has changed. I’m a better person because of you!"
- Wendy Spivey