I am so glad you brought Yuka to us. I agree with Alexandre. My yoga teacher does not charge for her class…she just asks us to do a random act of kindness. The money people give as a donation for the class is given away by her to a charity. Thus, one way or another, we all feel good about attending her class. Much success to Yuka and the work she is doing and may her vision come to fruition! Thank you, once again, Lilou!
Love this video because of some simple things that I found in it :
1) Forward any form of kindness that you receive (smile cards principle) : looks easy.
2) Do what you love to do, it will forcibly result in an indirect gift to the planet.
3) do not expect any special recognition for what you give. Your EGO needs it, your inner being does not care.
Thanks , to both Yuka & Lilou. I stay tuned, waiting for your next videos in Japan.
What an absolutely amazing shining soul she is!!! All i could think of was my favorite saying-” my home is the world and my religion is to do good”. I’m so grateful to be living in a world where people like that live!! Thank you Lilou!! ))<3
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"Lilou Mace has been such a great inspiration in my life and continues to be so daily. I see her really living the dream, manifesting the life she desires and that, to me, is the greatest inspiration of all and encourages me to follow my dreams."
- Jean Dayton Artist
"I journeyed from my African home with you Lilou Mace, I opened my eyes, and my heart, along the way I learnt from the people who opened their hearts to you, and became a privileged member of a select group of “Lilou lovers”. I am forever grateful for taking me on this heart journey, my spirit has changed. I’m a better person because of you!"
- Wendy Spivey
i loved the light energy and heart connection that radiated from Yuka and Lilou and both together!
I am so glad you brought Yuka to us. I agree with Alexandre. My yoga teacher does not charge for her class…she just asks us to do a random act of kindness. The money people give as a donation for the class is given away by her to a charity. Thus, one way or another, we all feel good about attending her class. Much success to Yuka and the work she is doing and may her vision come to fruition! Thank you, once again, Lilou!
I love it!!!
Thank you Lilou for the beautiful interview.
Love this video because of some simple things that I found in it :
1) Forward any form of kindness that you receive (smile cards principle) : looks easy.
2) Do what you love to do, it will forcibly result in an indirect gift to the planet.
3) do not expect any special recognition for what you give. Your EGO needs it, your inner being does not care.
Thanks , to both Yuka & Lilou. I stay tuned, waiting for your next videos in Japan.
What an absolutely amazing shining soul she is!!! All i could think of was my favorite saying-” my home is the world and my religion is to do good”. I’m so grateful to be living in a world where people like that live!! Thank you Lilou!!
this is wonderful work for humanity and world peace its inspiring to the youths thanks lots Yuka and juicylivingtour.Fremma
Lilou mace nice to meet you at Fuji.You are doing realy Very good misssion.God bless you.I hope to see you again.Regards