First peek at Eckhart Tolle and Barnet Bains’ movie Milton’s Secret

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A dramatic feature film based on the book by Eckhart Tolle and Robert S. Friedman. Milton’s Secret is a coming of age story about an 11-year-old boy growing up in an economically depressed suburb, and the elderquest of his grandfather. Milton’s troubles seem to be coming from every direction. His mother and father are workaholics with marital and financial problems, and he is being bullied at school. Fear and dread are everywhere. When his unconventional grandfather visits, Milton learns that rehashing bad experiences and worrying about the future are preventing him from finding true happiness in the Now.

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  1. jane says:

    love you Lilou, and your wonderful nourishing interviews

  2. Frances says:

    I love this interview- so much was said in conversation. Yes! – transformation, spirituality, consciousness sandwiched in between life as we know it and the next step in our evolution. Thank you. Thank you.

  3. Patsy mchale says:

    This was so inspiring, the oneness is coming..we are awakening to the whole, the divine is emerging! Thank you both , I read all Echart’s books , so good to know that the co-creators are on the planet.

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"Lilou Mace has been such a great inspiration in my life and continues to be so daily. I see her really living the dream, manifesting the life she desires and that, to me, is the greatest inspiration of all and encourages me to follow my dreams."
- Jean Dayton Artist

"I journeyed from my African home with you Lilou Mace, I opened my eyes, and my heart, along the way I learnt from the people who opened their hearts to you, and became a privileged member of a select group of “Lilou lovers”. I am forever grateful for taking me on this heart journey, my spirit has changed. I’m a better person because of you!"
- Wendy Spivey