11.11.11 meditation will take place at the Luz station in El Santuario Valle de Bravo, Mexico in celebration of a unique date, since it takes 100 years for this numerology is present again in the World. The University of Consciousness and All We Are One, get together in this great ceremony to invite all to unite the energies for Peace in Mexico and transmit it to the entire World.
Mexico is recognized as an energy portal that opens the window to the divinity of our own being, the three energies present in the 11.11.11 is an activation point inside the entire humanity, which opens the channel of the truth of what we are and our ascension process, we all have the offer of being together in this harmony.
There will be meditators in the physical and a virtual presence; meditation will be broadcasted live on different spots in México, to the third section of Chapultepec Park and the Central Garden in Valle de Bravo, giving the possibility of touristic increase at these days which is going to benefit economically the valley. All together connected in day and time of Mexico’s Center.
On Saturday we will have workshops and conferences on the “Feng “room from each of the facilitators of meditation and healings in charge of Rene Mey
Date 11.11.11
Morning Meditation 11:00 am
Night Meditation 11:00 pm
Facilitators physically present at El Santuario.
René Mey
- Webpage: http://www.renemey.org.mx
- Bio Data: French, humanist, men of peace without politic or religious views. Dedicated to the humanitarian job and to transmit peace, and hope messages to the world, to form a new way of helping each others in deep meditation and healing.
Ana Escalante
- Webpage: http://www.7semillas.com/
- Bio Data: Mexican, master coach, physiologist, transformational leader, author of the book The Secret of Abundance and of the program of personal transformation Seven seeds of love and abundance, she is a social activist for the peace, co-founder of “La Casa de la Sal, AC (the house of the salt) of Ideal Coaching Mexico and the actual director of Ana Escalante Consultants.
Michel Domit
- Webpage: http://www.elsantuario.com/seminario_Micheldomit.htm
- Bio Data : Lebanese descendant born in Mexico , El Santuario ‘s hotel founder in Valle de Bravo on a mountain of quartz and graphite, who through deep meditation communicated with the spirit of the mountain and carry out this project, he’s also author of the book “Ser, Hacer y Tener” ( Be, Do and Have).
Pilar Arcos
- Webpage: http://solohazlo.net/?page_id=42
- Bio Data: Mexican mother, works with the “just do it” group practice meditation and she’s also an altruistic person, which enjoy helping other and being better every day, looking for inner peace in order to be able to transmit it.
Luis Felipe Maza
- Webpage: www.sanacionconrosas.blogspot.com
- Bio Data: Mexican AMSAR founder and creator of the Rose Healing Method, makes spiritual workshops aimed to people who wants to work emotional conflicts that make obstacles in their inner development related to some aspects of their everyday life.
Ma. Martha Arredondo Méndez (Mayé) ** GUEST
- Webpage: www.corpoalma.org
- Bio Data: Mexican therapist in Energetic Core, Systematic Coaching, makes family constellations, give self-esteem and communication workshops, couples, sexuality and parent education, founded the Center Corpo Alma in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Facilitators in Virtual presence
Harold Moskovitz from Chile.
- Webpage: http://www.desarrolloluzdorada.com/
- Bio Data: American, creator of Golden Light Development, psychic, clairvoyant, healer and writer. His mission is to be master and disciples to have these abilities we all have, to reach their wake.
Pascal K’in Greub form Switzerland
- Webpage: http://www.tiempodelcorazon.com
- Bio Data: Swiss, spiritual guide and healer able to see into people’s heart. Heals through star beings and creates and implosion of energy that raises the individual frequency. Founder and lecturer of the “Es Tiempo del Corazon” (Time of the Heart) movement.
Bettie Spruill from San Francisco
- Webpage: http://www.sayyess.com
- Bio Data: American, creator of the company “YESS” dedicated to give seminars in order to improve your life and see thing from a positive perspective and the YES side and having a leadership side developing an altruistic person.
Ana de La Macorra from The 3rd section of Chapultepec in Mexico City
- Webpage: www.serluna.com
- Bio Data: Direct student of Jose Luis Villanueva, Ana de La Macorra has dedicated her life to personal transformation through her own private practice as a psychotherapist as well through the group and webpage that she formed Ser Luna ( Be moon) dedicated to promote meditation and spiritual and transformational growth.
Rosa Maria Rivero from Italy
- Bio Data: Dr. Rosa Maria Rivero has been named as one of the 200 women of the Bicentennial, has also been founder of some social works in which is La Casa de la Sal (The Salt house) civil association that has served more than 220,000 people in the past 25 years. She has distinguished herself by her personal and spiritual path. Now days she is the responsible of the educational design of a prestigious education school in the city of Milan, Italy.
Lama Tenzin from Berkley, USA
- Webpage: www.garudamexico.org
- Bio Data: Geshe Tenzin Rimpoche, founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha Institute (Virginia, USA) Ligmincha Mexico among others, he’s an acclaimed author and highly respected as teacher. Tibetan Lama practice Buddhist meditations and strong deep meditations, believes in the enlightened mind which symbolizes the indestructible essence of love compassion and wisdom.
Martin Herrera from Spain.
- Bio Data: Martin has dedicated his life to the welfare of others through the study and practice of physical healing through the Quantum Emotional Therapy; he’s also an expert in a variety of disciplines including the traditional Mexican massage, the direction of Temazcalli (Mexican traditional bath) as the shamanic tradition, acupuncture, and transactional psychoanalysis.
A variety of groups will be joining us in meditation and some virtually among which are:
1. Ireland, Anne Boland
2. England, London. Anne Coughland
3. Spain, Antonia Bogones
4. Brasil, Analucia Carvahlho
5. Portugal, Adealida Montes
6. Lisboa, Eva Santos
7. Fatima, Iresen Deusdao
8. Portugal, Cristina Nunes
9. Pakistan, Junko Noma
10. Italy, Milan Mariacanade
Headquarters El Santuario
Located in an ancient mountain of quartz and graphite that has been blessed by the Dalai Lama and a group of Tibetan monks, naming it Zone of Peace, El Santuario offers several options of retreat and meditation to anyone who wants to get the benefits from the energy of the earth where and relocate its place in the nature with full respect and harmony. 11.11.11 meditation it’s going to take place at the “Feng” room with a capacity of 700 people and a spectacular view to the lake. El Santuario counts with a quartz and graphite Temazcalli that will be available between the workshops of day 12.
We will have valet parking, fast food area, beverage stations and everything necessary for attendants to live a truly spiritual experience.
The University of Consciousness
The University of consciousness, aims to raise the level of human consciousness, the chapel of El Santuario is our fist stone and with it we start a center of assessment and certification, everything guarded by an advisory board with the highest level of quality and excellence for all that there have this quality, reliability, honesty, transparency and light of the Creator, seeking to raise spirituality and to erase the borders that separate us from each other through our beliefs, ideologies, religions and borders.
University called for its characteristic of being universal, searching house to all traditions, cultures, religions and methodologies that seek to increase the level of human consciousness.
It seeks to help the man to break their patterns, paradigms, the teachings and practices presented here can be applied to all aspects of life, including our relationship with the elements of nature, our ethical and moral behavior, development Love, compassion, joy and equanimity and the highest spiritual teachings.
To this, the University of Consciousness has opened up spaces in El Santuario and the chapel, where they offer lessons and practices that facilitate and inspire spiritual growth and lead us to recognize our true nature wise and compassionate for the benefit of all beings and their environment.
We offer: retreats, seminars, courses, conferences, workshops and other activities.
PR and Press Contact: Jenny Piña / CM Code
Phone: 56-63-44-16 / 45-17
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